How do you upload to .MAC (dot Mac) from the Lightroom Web Module?

One of the Lightroom Beta testers asked how to upload a web photo gallery from Lightroom to Apple’s dot Mac hosting service. For this question, I assume you’re using a Mac — or else why would you have a dot Mac account? I’ve had good luck with this technique:

First, make sure you are connected to the internet and mount your iDisk in the Finder by choosing Go -> iDisk -> My iDisk. This will mount the storage space for your dot Mac website on your computer.

Next, switch to Lightroom and prepare your web gallery in the web module. Then choose Export… Click on your computer name and locate the iDisk (it has a globe icon and will be named with your dot mac account username). Then select the “Sites” folder on your iDisk. Type the name for the gallery (I recommend a single word, and no spaces) and click “Save”.

Lightroom will generate the web photo gallery and save it to your dot Mac website. When the “Save Web Photo Gallery” task finishes your photo gallery is live on your website. The URL will be “http:” plus “//” plus your dot Mac username plus “/” plus the name for the gallery that you chose.

This is how I usually export web galleries to dot mac. For example, here are some pictures from a trip to see the ice on Lake Superior last month.